Monday, August 31, 2009

Events & Festivals in Kayu Amba, Bali

Being in Bali lets you experience the endless series of offerings, purification, processions, dances, and dozens of other religious rites that Balinese devote their lives to.

There is a myriad of festivals in Bali. Some are dedicated to the art of woodcarving, the birth of a goddess, and percussion instruments. Other festivals include temple festivals, fasting & retreat ceremonies, parades to the sea to cleanse villages, special prayers for the dead, nights of penance (sivaratri), harvest festivals (usaba), blood sacrifices, and house deity anniversaries (odalan sangguh).

These photos were taken with the villagers from Kayu Amba, where a Religious festivals i.e. Odalan, that signifies the anniversary of a temple's founding. These festivals last a couple of days to a week. Temples are beautifully bedecked with flowers, palm leaves, flags and bamboo towers, complete with noisy parades, food offerings, and prayers that add religious fervor to the festive ambience.

Photo in this album was taken on the 2nd Day of the Bali Photography Safari organized by Dr. Teh Ban Hup ( on July 20th, 2009.

Bali Villas | Seminyak Villas

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