untuk yang suka foto-foto. silakan ikut lomba ini. hadiahnya menarik. kalau ada yang mau hunting foto bersama, yuk kita bikin agenda. banyak kok objek menarik di bali terkait dengan pertanian keluarga ini.
July 12, 2009
Photo contest: the future of family farming
A lot to win !! LEISA Magazine jubilee photo contest
What do you think about the future of small-scale family farming? What changes will happen or have already happened? Are your neighbours moving to the city? Have farming methods and markets changed a lot in your lifetime? Will your children become farmers? How has mobile phone changed your life? Which technologies will you use in the future?
Photograph your ideas about families, farming and change and send them to us. It doesn't have to be a real situation – you can also envisage your ideas of change and photograph that. Digital photos can be sent to jubilee(at)ileia.nl (mention 'Contest' in the subject heading) and should be a minimum size of 1 MB. Printed photographs can be sent by regular mail to: ILEIA Photo Contest, PO Box 2067, 3800 CB Amersfoort, The Netherlands. If you mention your address, we will return photos afterwards. The closing date for this contest is September 1, 2009. Winners will be announced in our December issue.
A lot to win !! The prize for the best picture – which will be chosen by the editors of LEISA Magazine – is a beautiful netbook – a compact laptop with many useful features. The second prize is a lightweight digital camera, and the third prize is a combined radio with nine functions. We will also give away ten USB sticks. The best entries will be published in LEISA Magazine next year, and will feature on our website and weblog.
Anton Muhajir

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