Sunday, July 05, 2009

[media-bali] Ciné Club #19 @ Kebun AF Denpasar, 10 Juli 2009 [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Liza Irman included below]

(Version française plus bas)

(For English Version scroll down)




Yayasan Lembaga Indonesia Perancis / Alliance Française Denpasar mengundang anda untuk datang ke acara:

Ciné Club (Spesial Keluarga)



Karya Maurice Barthélémy

Menampilkan Alain Chabat, Martin Combes, Yaël Abecassis

Perancis | komedi drama | 2005 | 80 min.


VFSA: Versi Prancis dengan teks Inggris


Louis memiliki ayah yang lucu : suka tersenyum, tertawa dan bercanda. Sedangkan Louis sendiri tidak terlalu pengen tertawa. Dalama perjalanan menuju rumah, bapak dan anak ini akan saling menemukan. Di ujung perjalanan mereka, akan ada cahaya, kehidupan.



Info lebih lanjut:


Jumat, 10 Juli 2009 | pk. 19.00

GRATIS -  Terbuka untuk umum


Di: Kebun AF Denpasar

Jl. Raya Puputan I, No.13A

Renon, Denpasar





L'Alliance Française de Denpasar vous invite à :

Ciné Club (Spécial Portrait de Famille)

« Papa »


Réalisé par Maurice Barthélémy

Avec Alain Chabat, Martin Combes, Yaël Abecassis

France | comédie dramatique | 2005 | 80 min.


VFSA : Version Française Sous-titrée en Anglais


Louis a un papa drôle : toujours souriant, blagueur, rieur. Pourtant, Louis n'a pas très envie de rire. Sur la route qui les ramène chez eux, père et fils vont se retrouver. Au bout de leur voyage, il y aura la lumière, la vie.


Pour plus d'informations:


Vendredi, 10 juillet 2009 | 19h00

Gratuit !


Le jardin de l'Alliance Française Denpasar

Jl. Raya Puputan I, No.13A

Renon, Denpasar





Alliance Française Denpasar would like to invite you to :

Ciné Club (Special Portrait of Family)



By Maurice Barthélémy

With Alain Chabat, Martin Combes, Yaël Abecassis

France | dramatic comedy | 2005 | 80 min.


VFSA : French version with English subtitles


Louis and his Daddy are driving back home. Daddy is a past master at clowning, which does not necessarily make Louis laugh. At times Daddy gets awfully mad, picking on people who don't deserve it. That also does not make Louis laugh. But Daddy IS sweet. He knows how to soothe Louis when he is very very upset. And he can rock-a-bye his baby with a song by Niagara. Daddy has been rather slipshod lately. And ill-shaved. And has had hair-raising nightmares. Louis can burst into tears just because a little girl refuses a sticker he wants to give her. What's wrong with Louis and his Daddy?


Further info:


Friday, July 10th 2009 | 7.00 p.m

Free !


The French Institute / Alliance Française - Denpasar

Jl. Raya Puputan I, No.13A

Renon, Denpasar





Liza Irman

Chargée de mission culturelle





Alliance Française de Denpasar

Jl. Raya Puputan I, n° 13A

Renon - Sumerta Kelod

Denpasar 80235


Tel./Fax : (00 62 361) 234 143


Attachment(s) from Liza Irman

1 of 1 Photo(s)

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